Conferencias Plenarias

La Transformación digital en la sanidad

Jueves 25 de noviembre, 09:30 h

Ponente: D. Luis Javier Bonilla, Director General de CGM Clinical España

Moderadora: Dña. Mª Elena Hernando Pérez

Luis Javier Bonilla es arquitecto, pero tiene una experiencia de más de 30 años en proyectos de Tecnologías de la Información, de los cuales los últimos 25 los ha dedicado al sector TIC Salud, en distintas empresas multinacionales.  

Actualmente es el Director General de CGM Clinical España, empresa alemana dedicada al desarrollo, implantación y soporte de soluciones de salud digital. 

Luis Javier es miembro de la Junta Directiva del Sector de Salud Digital de FENIN, federación intersectorial que agrupa a empresas y asociaciones de fabricantes, importadores y distribuidores de tecnologías y productos sanitarios cuya característica común es la de ser suministradores de todas las instituciones sanitarias españolas. 

Luis Javier ha participado muy frecuentemente en ponencias y mesas redondas en seminarios y congresos específicos en el sector TIC Salud y, adicionalmente, ha participado como profesor invitado impartiendo clases sobre Atención a la Cronicidad mediante la Salud Digital y sobre Liderazgo en las organizaciones, en diversos Máster de Gestión de Organizaciones Sanitarias, en el Master de Dirección de Sistemas y Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones para la Salud, organizado por el Instituto de Salud Carlos III, la Escuela Nacional de Sanidad y la Sociedad Española de Informática de la Salud y en el MBA en Tecnologías Médicas y Sanitarias organizado por Talento Farmacéutico y Sanitario y la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. 

Session to raise patients’ voice in innovation

Viernes 26 de noviembre, 10:15 h

Dña. Sara Pérez Martínez, BIO-SKETCH- ISOQOL Committees Volunteer

Degree in Psychology (Clinical and Health specialty) from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Diploma of Advanced Studies DEA Neuroscience Doctoral Program (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), project Doctoral Thesis «Neuropsychological Profile of Apert Syndrome» Date of completion June 2021.
Postgraduate training in Cognitive Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology (UCM), Research Methodology (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), Public Health and Gender Perspective (ISCIII-ENS), Master in Research in Mental Health-CIBERSAM (UCM), Patient Advocacy (Universidad Internacional de Cataluña), Health Promotion (Fundación UNED) and Specialist in Training Management in Public Administration (INAP).

Extensive training in neuroscience, mental health and research methodology. Specific training in active learning methodologies and Universal Design Model.

Currently finishing Degree in Occupational Therapy.
Since 2008, Associate Professor Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Processes and Speech Therapy Department at Complutense University of Madrid in undergraduate (Psychology, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy) and postgraduate studies. Since September 2020, full professor of Psychobiology (Neuroscience Area) at the Cardenal Cisneros Study Center, University of Alcalá de Henares.

Member of different scientific societies (APA, COP, SEN, ISOQOL), as well as in working groups of FEDER (Rare Disease Federation), CERMI (Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities), EURORDIS (Rare Disease Europe).
Member of EUPATI (European Academy of Patients in Therapeutic Innovation).
Member of the European Network for Rare Diseases. Craniofacial Malformations Network. Eurordis (Rare Diseases Europe) and European Commission. Patient Representative-Epag Patient Representative of Rare Craniofacial Anomalies and ENT (ear, nose and throat) disorders.

2019-2020. Researcher in Biomedical Research Foundation of the Hospital Universitario Clínico San Carlos (Madrid). Psychiatry Service. Member of the research group: «Clinical and neurobiological research in Psychiatry and Mental Health».
Collaborating researcher at Roosevelt University (Chicago, USA).
Research stay at Karolinska Institutet, Center of Neurodevelopmental Disorders-KIND (Stockholm, Sweden).
Publications, oral and poster presentations in different national and international conferences.
Senior Technician (Psychologist). Community of Madrid, General Directorate of Public Health. Epidemiology Service.

She combines her PDI work with assistance activity since 2003 as:

– Responsible for the Clinical Neuropsychology Consultation in the Milenium Costa Rica Medical Center (Sanitas S.L. Neuroestudio S.L.), (2007/current)
– Intestinal Dysviosis Service, INMUNOMET. S.L. Hospital Beata María Ana, Madrid. (2018/current)
– Neuropsychologist and project manager at APERTCras (Asociación Nacional Síndrome de Apert y otras Craneosinostosis Sindrómicas). (2003-2020)

Working’Health. Raising Life and Health Science Talent in Europe

Viernes 26 de noviembre, 12:00 h

Claire Nassiet, EIT Health – WorkInHealth Venture Lead

Claire holds a Master’s degree in International Affairs from Sciences Po Paris with nine years of experience in the field of international education, notably for the French Embassy in Ireland, the British Council in France and the European programme Erasmus+. Since 2016, she joined EIT Health where she supported French partners to design and develop Education programmes. She now drives the WorkInHealth initiative to attract, recruit, train and retain talent in Europe.

@ClaireEITHealth @EITHealthFrance

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